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?Advantages and disadvantages of communicative method. K.B.Khasanova. Termez state University E-mail: As opposed to grammatical and linguistic competence that is focused for example on audio lingual and grammar-translation methods Advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing. Disadvantages of a command economic system. Competition is the key in this system hence no room is given for who individuals that can't measure up with the changes. This can largely affect the elderly, the disabled and children. This essay examines various advantages and disadvantages of standardization in the organization. Despite numerous advantages of standardization, it has also got its disadvantages with equal measures. The first disadvantage of standardization is that it will make product to lose its You can describe advantages and disadvantages of: Advantages and disadvantages of computers. Probably, you can think of only positive aspects of using computers, such as they make communication easier, they can be helpful for your studies, you get access to information, etc. This article is about the Advantages and Disadvantages of Medical Technology in Healthcare. that what are the good and bad effects of Technology. I want to discuss some of the advantages and also the disadvantages of medical technology. How modern technology has good and bad effects on There are different advantages and disadvantages of technology . The impact it has had on daily life is practically immeasurable. On the other hand, some of its disadvantages include the loss of work for people, the creation of weapons of mass destruction and dependence on the same technology. Advantages: Conformity and "sameness" help to stabilize a community. If everybody acts in accordance with the rules and laws, then a sense of security is given to the Disadvantages: Total conformity doesn't allow any single individual to express himself/herself. There's no "pushing the limit." In the next sections, we'll cover both the advantages and disadvantages of biometric authentication. Biometric authentication and its uses in modern-day tech and digital applications has a number of advantages: High security and assurance - Biometric identification provides the answers Advantages and disadvantages of imperative programming languages. Many programming languages based on the imperative programming paradigm are in One disadvantage of procedural programming is that for more complex problems to be solved, the amount of code quickly starts to grow. In this article, we will see the [10+ Advantages and Disadvantages of Computers in Points for mankind]. The above are the main advantages and disadvantages of computer points. It depends on the user how the computer will be advantageous or disadvantageous for themselves. Advantage and Disadvantages of MULTIMEDIA. ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF SYMMETRIC CRYPTOSYSTEMS ADVANTAGES • A symmetric cryptosystem is faster. • In Symmetric Cryptosystems, encrypted data can be transferred on the link even if there is a possibility that the data will be intercepted. Since there is no key transmiited ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF SYMMETRIC CRYPTOSYSTEMS ADVANTAGES • A symmetric cryptosystem is faster. • In Symmetric Cryptosystems, encrypted data can be transferred on the link even if there is a possibility that the data will be intercepted. Since there is no key transmiited
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