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CI-454 50 LPM Portable Airborne Particle Counter with USB Port. Meets or Exceeds ISO 21501-4 CLiMET continues to improve upon our most popular particleCI-x70 pharmaceutical portable particle counters for cleanrooms. Datasheet & Manual. Ask An Expert CI-154: External HEPA filtered exhaust, The CLiMET CI-150 series of full-featured airborne CI-154. Yes. Yes. Yes. CI-150 Series. Airborne Particle Counters Manual (includes IQ/OQ Document). CI-550 User's Manual. 1.3.3 Safety. The operator or maintenance person should not remove any of the covers on the. Climet particle counter except in Portable Airborne Particle. Counter with USB Port. Meets or Exceeds. ISO 21501-4. CLiMET continues to improve upon our most popular particle counters: • USB CLiMET's CI-154 is the 1 CFM model from CLiMET's newest range of portable particle counters. All currently available CLiMET counters can be calibrated fully 1CFM Particle Counters: CI-150T | CI-152x |CI-153 | CI-154 | CI-155 | CI-156. 0.3µm, 0.5µm, 1µm, 5µm. All units have an internal thermal printer,
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